Taking a leaf out of the TLC Rule Book

It’s important to take time out for yourself, and establishing healthy habits is a great place to start. Not only do they help boost mood and wellbeing but they also lead to a happy life and have you feeling good from the inside out. 

It’s a journey where the synergy of mind and body takes center stage, and in this dance, weight health plays a crucial role. Recognizing the significance of maintaining a balanced weight, one finds harmony in both physical and emotional realms.

It’s akin to the delicate equilibrium of a well-tuned instrument. Amidst the myriad of options available, the empowering initiative of weight watchers $10 a month emerges as a beacon, providing accessible and sustainable support on this wellness voyage.

This innovative program not only embodies affordability but encapsulates the essence of fostering lasting habits, aligning seamlessly with the tapestry of a happy, healthy life.

Looking to make exercise, healthy eating and other habits a part of your everyday life but not quite sure how? Keep reading for our go-to habits to adopt for a happier life. 

Stay Active

Exercise is vital for both physical and mental health. Being active is a great way to experience those feel good endorphins, with regular physical activity having profound benefits on all elements of your life. The good news is that you don’t have to be a fitness fanatic or spend hours in the gym to feel the positive effects.

Exercise classes are a great way to start incorporating exercise into your weekly routine and as you start to feel the benefits, you’re bound to add more classes to your regime. Running at 5.30pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday and 10:30 am Tuesday and Thursdays, Jindowie’s very own free Live Life Get Active classes are the perfect place to start your wellbeing journey. Did we mention they are completely free? That’s right, offering fun and enjoyable free workouts that you can do with members of the Jindowie community, you’re sure to find  a class that works for you. And once you find something that you enjoy doing, you’ll be likely to add more and more classes into your schedule – because feeling this good is kind of addictive.

Did you know that the foods we eat can have a big impact on our overall health and wellbeing? Most people think they need to adapt an ‘all or nothing’ approach when it comes to healthy eating, but it’s important to be realistic and choose a way of eating that fits into your lifestyle. We recommend starting with small changes and small swaps because they are easier to implement and easier to stick to in the long run. Some of our go-to small changes you can make are:

  • Reaching for reduced fat dairy options instead of full fat. 
  • Swapping white bread, wraps and rice for brown or wholegrain. 
  • Snacking on fresh fruit and vegetables instead of packaged muesli bars etc.
  • Swapping soft drinks and juices for flavoured mineral water or no sugar options.
  • Reducing your portion sizes and make sure you fill at least half your plate with vegetables. 


It’s a well-known fact that good sleep equals good health. Sleep is crucial for healthy brain function, cardiac function, body metabolism and physical health. Without a good night’s rest, you could end up with problems around thinking, concentration, memory, mood and general day-to-day tasks. This is why it’s so important to make sure you’re getting a good night’s sleep. Some of our tips to improve your sleep are:

  • Avoiding caffeine and having a large meal at least a few hours before bed. 
  • Having a specific time for going to sleep and waking up each day. 
  • Avoid the use of electronic devices an hour before bed.
  • Make sure you have a comfortable, quiet and dark bedroom setup. 

It may seem daunting but just making a few small changes to your lifestyle can have major impacts on your overall well being. Whether it’s regularly attending a Live Life Get Active class or making small, healthy swaps to your meals, you’ll be reaping the benefits in no time. 

To join our free Life Life Get Active classes follow the link below. 


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